What is the Difference between Scrum and Kanban?



It is an incremental and iterative approach to Agile software development. In Scrum, a Sprint is deemed the basic unit of measurement. Each sprint begins with a meeting; tasks of sprint are being assigned with an estimated time to accomplish the goal. It ends with a review or a retrospective session where the progress is reviewed and the lessons for the next sprint are determined. At the end, a finished part of a product is created by a team. Every iteration involves full development cycle like planning, requirement analysis, design, coding, testing etc.

There are six kinds of scrum meetings:

  1. Daily Scrum / Standup
  2. Backlog grooming: storyline
  3. Scrum of Scrums
  4. Sprint Planning meeting
  5. Sprint review meeting
  6. Sprint retrospective

Scrum Cadence

It generally has a time span of two to four weeks with a definite start and finish date. The short time frame makes sure that the complicated tasks are split into short stories which enable the teams to learn fast and produce outcomes in order to maintain the project agility. Sprints are denoted by Inspect and Adapt ceremonies where the tasks are reviewed via daily scrum meeting. For more, visit CyberCraft Software Company.


Rather than defining a roadmap for development in Scrum, Kanban allows the visualization and improvisation of the ongoing tasks. This approach streamlines the development uses Kanban board where tasks are visualized, work in progress are limited, and efficiency is maximised. The board uses the cards, commitment, columns, and delivery points to keep the members apprised about the status of the work progress so that the team gets the work done. The 5 major elements of Kanban board are:

  1. Visual signs: stickers, tickets and other visual cards are used. The team member writes one user story on each card providing all the team members an idea about the current operations.
  2. Columns: each column on the board signifies a particular activity to compose a workflow.
  3. Work in progress or WIP limits: these are the maximum number of cards to be moved to a column in a given time.
  4. Commitment point: this is the backlog where members put their ideas and pull the tasks from and start working on it.
  5. Delivery point: it marks the end of the Kanban workflow. The goal is to move the cards from commitment to the delivery time as soon as possible. The delivery point is usually when the product is delivered to the customer.

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